We target 65% of our support for agencies that offer emergency food, clothing and shelter needs to individuals and families, due to war, famine, poverty and natural disasters.
We target 13% of our support to help with providing clients information and referral services for their particular needs.
The remaining 22% of our support targets agencies that provide job training, life skills and other educational resources that can rehabilitate, and re-educate clients, re-establishing them as viable and sustainable individuals and families in their respective communities.
In these troubling times, many people need assurance through prayer. We are available.
K.B.C. has been in the planning stages for almost fourteen years. The need for such an agency was conceived almost twenty years ago while on vacation at an exclusive resort. I was lavished in luxury, oblivious to the outside world. It wasn't until I left the resort and ventured into the city that it hit me. I saw extreme poverty all around me. It bothered me greatly, to think that I had never taken the time to notice how others were living. God Blessed me immensely. All I had acquired was not just meant for me. I was Blessed to be a blessing, and I knew something had to be done to make a difference in the lives of others.
My sole pursuit in life had been the ever fleeting American Dream. I had friends who were in the nonprofit sector and it made no sense to me how they could spend so much time and effort with seemingly endless needs and limited resources. Where was the profit in that? Then one day while at the office of one of my friends, who was Executive Director of a large agency that helped women and children, I noticed that she had a room filled with donations that she had no idea how to use. Then I noticed that this and other agencies execs were good people, but they were not always good business people. They didn't handle resources as well as they should, nor did they state clearly their needs. Consequently they would often end up with small change and donation scraps that no one else wanted. I also saw a mindset that bothered me. Many asked for donations in almost an apologetic manner, as if ashamed to speak up and demand what was needed.
Taking care of people should never be an imposition. It should be the duty of everyone who has a business with employees. Therefore asking for donations is not so much about the agency asking for itself, as much as it is the agency asking on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. That is the definition of an agent. It is one who represents another and focuses on the other's welfare and not on their own. An agency should be the performance of specific duties in it's relationship to its clients. Therefore a certain boldness is required.
I acquired much research while working with United Way organizations in several different cities, I learned a great deal about how effective agencies should operate. Having worked several campaigns and sat on various committees. I was offered the position as project leader for United Way's Blueprint for Diversity program. This program trained women and minorities for board positions at the agency and county commission levels. My research continued to increase after I was chosen to participate in the Leadership Moreno Valley California. I've worked with many great commissioners and politicians who all were concerned about taking care of those in need. Their ideas about community service came from their experience in the industry and what they viewed as possible within the relative political climate, which was always limited. My vision for Kingdom Benefit Charities, came from God, and His Kingdom perspective, where there are no limitations. God is neither a democrat, nor is He a republican.
The nonprofit arena is very political. Although the majority of those I have worked with were individuals who had a heart for service, so many others are in the field to only help themselves. They use nonprofits to boast their own political agenda at the expense of those in need of service. These same people can be very hostile to those of us who want to do the right thing because its right. This is one of the reasons, so many social needs are not being met. It often becomes no longer about helping those in need, but it about helping a prospective candidate get elected to political office. This is offensive to God, who loves people, and it should be offensive to everyone who runs an agency. Offensive to the point that they will stand firm for the sake of their clients.
God's plan for K.B.C. is strictly for the benefit of the people, because He (God) loves people. He especially desires to help those who cannot help themselves (including widows, the homeless, the fatherless and the stranger). That is why Jesus came preaching the gospel of God's Kingdom to the poor. He wanted to let them know they don't have to be poor any more. So, why are there so many poor among us? Why does it seem that those in poverty are increasing in numbers? There are two main reasons for this.
It is because of these two main reasons that people are rapidly descending into deep poverty in America, one of the richest nations on earth. This ought not be. America has lost her prosperous edge over the nations because of how little concern we have given to eradicating poverty, and our neglect in elevating poor people to be contributors to our system of wealth instead of being those who drain the nation of resources that could be used in more fruitful ways. We have lost our way and are groping in the darkness as a nation. All because we have attempted to vanquish the Light of the world, from our world. He is the only One to lead us to the path of everlasting life which is abundantly prosperity.
At K.B.C. we believe that poverty is the curse for any nation that forgets the God who created and Blessed them in a bountiful land. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, and yet that is what has happened in our nation. Politicians have legislated God out of the public arena. Judges have created laws that destroy the very humans God created in love. We have fought the only freedom that comes from God, in order to establish a government in His place; a government that enslaves people with handouts, low wages and mandatory healthcare they cannot afford. No one can legislate increase without it impoverishing others. True increase comes only from God. It is the purpose of the Blessing.
God desires that we become fruitful individuals who can rise above the daily needs and become contributors to the world. God wants them Blessed to be a blessing to the families of the world. That means eradicating evils such as sin, sickness, poverty, lack and famine. This also means seeking first God's Kingdom purpose and His way of living and being, and doing all to bring our divine purpose into the central focus of our lives. The paycheck-to-paycheck, work-a-day way of living is killing people. It's killing their dreams, hopes and ambitions for a great future, while feeding a corrupt political system, fueling a fraud-ridden healthcare system, and crippling the profits of business and industry. The country has lost its edge and God wants to get it back the righteous way; His way. This requires taking care of needs while education people how to do things a better way. It is from this perspective that Kingdom Benefit Charities was launched in 2012. Despite of strong political opposition, we are forging ahead to raise people out of the pit and into the palace. Pharaoh must let God's people go! God won't have it any other way.